The Track Attack Program, which is directed at skiers in the “Learning to Train” stage of development (skiers 9 to 12), is the third level of the nordic program. It has been developed in parallel with the third level of the National Coaching Certification Program system. Program materials include a program-specific enrollment kit, an age-appropriate booklet, and coaching materials specific to this stage in the skier development progression. The objective is for the participants to become technically competent cross-country skiers, and to use their skills to explore a wide range of cross-country ski activities, from backcountry excursions to ski racing. In addition, it is designed to:
- Develop fitness through active play, games and other activities.
- Provide children an opportunity to be part of a sport “team”.
- Develop competence in cross-country ski skills.
- Expose children to a variety of “adventure-based” cross-country ski activities.
Athletes may begin dry-land training in the summer, fall, or choose to start when the on-snow season starts.
Please contact Head Coach Zach Hill with any questions: [email protected]